Ash Thomas

Ash Thomas

Host and Creator

Appears in 51 Episodes

Moon Theories: Heroes or Hoax?

Moon Theories: Heroes or Hoax?

S3E10 · · 01:04:09

Today we discuss the many moon theories out there in the dead cold of space, Is it true we landed on the moon? Or is it Hollywood? Is the moon a mega structure? This is going be our ...

Sex: Sells itself

Sex: Sells itself

S3E9 · · 49:51

Let's Talk about sex, today we discuss sex and why it's in every aspect of our lives. Sex sells and we're all buying it.

A.I. 2.0 Too Fast or Phobia

A.I. 2.0 Too Fast or Phobia

S3E8 · · 01:04:52

Today we retouch on a topic that is fast growing, Artificial Intelligence and the leaps and bounds it has reached just in the six months from the first time we discussed it. A.I. is ...

The Concept of Freedom, Are we Free?

The Concept of Freedom, Are we Free?

S3E7 · · 59:05

We The People are letting our freedom slip away by corrupt politicians and their hidden agendas. We discuss why freedom is an illusion and why it's not free. We ask questions about w...

V-section 3: Affirmative Action: All men are created equal unless...

V-section 3: Affirmative Action: All men are created equal unless...

S3E6 · · 01:44:28

Today we discuss Affirmative Action with the recent court case. Is equity and equality even real if the standard isn't a standard and isn't actually equal. All men are created equal,...

Fairy Tales and Fairly Disappointing Reality

Fairy Tales and Fairly Disappointing Reality

S3E5 · · 01:09:23

Today when open the stories of old and talk about why we are obsessed with Fairy tales and folklore.

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

S3E4 · · 53:17

Today we wake up and pull back the veil and try to understand our own dreams and nightmares. Reality, unreality, and the liminal spaces between...The human mind is capable of express...

Common Sense Isn't So Common

Common Sense Isn't So Common

S3E3 · · 56:38

Today we discuss how common sense is rather uncommon. When mankind stepped out of the realm of instinct and into a civilized world of higher thought and learning…did he leave somethi...

Tinder Love and Care: Dating apps

Tinder Love and Care: Dating apps

S3E2 · · 48:41

Today we talk about dating apps, They're designed to keep you moving on to the next partner and never have that meaningful relationship that you crave by monetizing loneliness. What ...

Human Achievement: Limited or Limitless?

Human Achievement: Limited or Limitless?

S3E1 · · 59:52

Today we discuss Human Achievement; Does Man’s reach truly exceed his grasp? Is there an upper and outer limit to our potential and will we ever reach it? Yet more importantly why do...

V-section 10: Does Extreme Wealth Corrupt You?

V-section 10: Does Extreme Wealth Corrupt You?

S2E20 · · 45:52

On this season finale we discuss wealth, Obscene wealth and the ludicrous effect it has on human behavior. Did you know statistically speaking the wealthy are more likely to be liars...

P.C. Culture: Community Standards, But Who’s Standard?

P.C. Culture: Community Standards, But Who’s Standard?

S2E19 · · 01:39:37

Today we dive into the murky waters of PC culture, Politically Correctness. We discuss if it's a good or bad thing and why, does it have negative impact on society as a whole? We dis...

V-section 9: Consumerism: Mega rolls and Single serving Bullshit

V-section 9: Consumerism: Mega rolls and Single serving Bullshit

S2E18 · · 58:56

Today we discuss mega rolls and single serving bullshit. Consumerism is out of control.

 The Inherent sanctity of Life: Abortion?

The Inherent sanctity of Life: Abortion?

S2E17 · · 01:23:32

Today we get down to the nitty gritty, we discuss Abortion. Is it a right? Is it murder? Does the father have a say? Should birth defects affect your decision? 

V-Section 8: It's a Big World and We're Missing Out

V-Section 8: It's a Big World and We're Missing Out

S2E16 · · 52:33

Today we discuss The world, The place we live and the places in it that we hope to go some day. We ask ourselves and you..... What's holding you back from going to places you've alwa...

Ghosts and Shadow people: Our stories

Ghosts and Shadow people: Our stories

S2E15 · · 01:42:44

On today's episode we pull back the veil, and look into the blackness to discuss possibilities of ghosts and the reality of personal stories. We talk about the shadow people and thei...

V-Section 7: Dead Memory: Why we can't remember anything?

V-Section 7: Dead Memory: Why we can't remember anything?

S2E14 · · 45:19

Today we discuss why we can't remember anything, What causes us to only remember some things, how can we declutter and promote memory retention? How can we stimulate brain function? ...

The True Hollywood Story: Hollyweird and PedoRealia

The True Hollywood Story: Hollyweird and PedoRealia

S2E13 · · 56:44

On today's episode we talk about the Horrible people in religious and government organizations around the world with a particular bent on the American elite in Hollyweird. Moving in ...

V-Section 6: Movies: The Predictions

V-Section 6: Movies: The Predictions

S2E12 · · 39:46

In this episode we discuss the movies that had true predictions and how they compare to reality. 

Eureka: Inventions, The Good, The Bad and the Shelved

Eureka: Inventions, The Good, The Bad and the Shelved

S2E11 · · 57:30

Today we discuss Inventions, The Good, The Bad and the Shelved. Water powered cars, Cancer curing machine's, cloud buster's and the O.G. Nikola Tesla and his slue of Invention's. 

V-Section 5: Keyboard Warriors, The Army of Darkness

V-Section 5: Keyboard Warriors, The Army of Darkness

S2E10 · · 50:02

Today we take a trip under the bridge to the internet troll's lair, We talk bout the infamous keyboard tough guy, The army of Keyboard soldiers.

The Amazon Pain Forest: The Future of Housing in America

The Amazon Pain Forest: The Future of Housing in America

S2E9 · · 48:02

Today we discuss the pain to come about big companies entering the housing market, Amazon and Blackrock are wanting to buy your house, then rent it back to you. Be prepared for the e...

V-Section 4: The Cold War is Heating up

V-Section 4: The Cold War is Heating up

S2E8 · · 01:03:00

The Cold war is heating up. Did it ever cool all the way down? What can we expect? Can we curb ww3 from coming? Tensions have been stewing for half a century between the western nati...

Freedom of Speech or Hate?

Freedom of Speech or Hate?

S2E7 · · 01:28:01

This episode is a discussion about the controversial term "Hate Speech," We discuss the hard parts of it. Is it "Hate Speech," or just speech? How and who defines it? The 1st amendme...

V-Section 3: Immortality: The Fountain of Youth 2.0

V-Section 3: Immortality: The Fountain of Youth 2.0

S2E6 · · 53:05

Today we talk about The Fountain of Youth 2.0, We discuss different animals, plants and cells that can regenerate and if science could ever harness any of them. Is or was there ever ...

Think of the Children

Think of the Children

S2E5 · · 01:13:04

It takes a village to raise a child, Or does it? How do we protect our kids, Mother hen and Papa bear. While still allowing them to be kids and be their own person. Are we expecting ...

V-Section 2: The Population Problem: The Thanos Theory?

V-Section 2: The Population Problem: The Thanos Theory?

S2E4 · · 39:37

Today's episode we discuss a heavy topic on the world. The population problem. Are there to many people in the world? Can the Earth sustain all of us Is the the Thanos theory correct.

 The Evolution of the human intelligence

The Evolution of the human intelligence

S2E3 · · 44:50

Today we talk about human intelligence and the lack there of, we discuss where and why intelligence came to be and how it's in a state of decline. Is there a way back?

Vivi-section 1: Eco Warriors

Vivi-section 1: Eco Warriors

S2E2 · · 42:31

In today's episode we tackle the topic of consumer environmentalism. How society views eco-warriors and friends of nature today versus the yesterdays and how being a hippie has becom...

The Ego Problem: People are Selfish

The Ego Problem: People are Selfish

S2E1 · · 53:58

We're back, The first episode on season 2.... The Ego Problem, People are selfish. We try and answer the question of why people are naturally selfish by nature and what steps you can...